Galatians 1:3-5
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. He gave himself for our sins to rescue us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father—to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
Dear Lord Jesus,
Paul wrote that You gave Yourself in our place to rescue us from this evil age. Please save us; while the temptations have not changed, the world uses more mediums to bring those enticements directly at us. We have people from all walks of life suffering from all sorts of sins and overcome by addictions: drugs, alcohol, gambling, porn, work, and the list goes on. The world likes to tell us, “Go ahead, express yourself, and enjoy your freedom.” It encourages freedom as being a license to sin.
But the truth is that the world’s ways do not bring freedom; instead, they bring guilt and shame. True freedom only comes through You. The world cannot give us peace, but you do, and it is by your grace.
When we get all twisted up in our sins, we know You have already forgiven us by rescuing us from our iniquities. You patiently wait for us to turn to You, and when we do, You tell us, “My grace is sufficient for you.” You went to the cross and suffered our punishment for everything we have done, and You won forgiveness for all our sins. You died on that cross for the world’s sins, which includes all my sins, my guilt, and all my shame; this is your grace—the love and forgiveness we do not deserve. Our heavenly Father sent you to rescue us from this age, but more importantly, from my sinful self. Lord, forgive me and save me!
Lord Jesus, may we glorify you by living a new life that your Holy Spirit creates in us—that life of faith. May we praise you for what you have done for us and share this good news of your grace, mercy, and forgiveness of sins with everyone we meet. Why? Because you rescued us from this life and, more importantly, gave us our eternal life. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
This age might be evil, but God’s grace and mercy are far superior. Check out the facts: Jesus suffered and died for your every sin, and he rose from the dead so that by faith in him, you have eternal life.