Time for Grace-March 12, 2024

Time for Grace-March 12, 2024

Psalm 33:8-9

Let all the earth fear the Lord. Let all the inhabitants of the world revere him. For he said, “Let it be,” and it was! He gave a command, and there it stood.

Dear Heavenly Father,

You created all that we see around us with Your words; the power You have in just Your words is amazing. You deserve to be revered, and all the world should respect You because of Your power.

We are powerless in our sins; they divide and push us away from You; we cannot save ourselves. Without You, we stand powerless against sin, death, and the devil.

Yet, You overcame all of them through Your Son. Jesus carried out Your salvational plan to restore all people to You. He endured the punishment of the cross in our place; He endured our punishment.

However, with all Your power, You do not force anyone to believe in You. You offer salvation as a gift that comes to each person by faith alone in Christ. There, in faith, Your power is realized; You remove all our sins, guilt, and shame.

You have also given us Your power so that sins are forgiven as we speak forgiveness to others. Jesus said, “Whoever sins you forgive, they are forgiven in heaven also.” Let us share the gift of Your love with those around us who suffer in guilt and shame so that they will hear, know, and believe those words of forgiveness are for them. As You created all that we have by Your word, You also removed our sins with Your word as Jesus said, “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing!” and then cried out, “It is finished!”

Let us stand in your fear and reverence today; please begin or strengthen our faith through the power of Your word. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

God created the world with His words and restored it through His words of forgiveness. When Jesus asked His heavenly Father to forgive us, He did. Salvation and eternal life are Yours through faith in Christ Jesus.