Time for Grace-March 19, 2024

Time for Grace-March 19, 2024

Hebrews 4:16

So let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Dear Heavenly Father,

When challenges come at us in and from the world, we must come to Your throne of grace. The world around us can be deceptive and vindictive, having only their best interest in mind and not concerned if they cause pain and suffering to others.

Because You have given us Your mercy at Your throne of grace, all as part of Your salvational plan to restore us to You, because we are no different from the world, we can be selfish and only look out for ourselves.

Our sins should condemn us because of all the ways we are loveless towards those around us, those who are close to us, and towards You. However, Jesus came to this earth and lived his life loving you and us perfectly; He never sinned. He credits us with His perfection, and then he suffered our punishment upon the cross for our sins. He took our sins into himself and gave us his perfection in their place.

Let us show the world the grace and the love Christ has given us. Keep us from retaliating against those who wrong us, but place that in Your hands—for You remind us elsewhere that vengeance is Yours. May we love our enemies through faith. Give us forgiving hearts to forgive just as Christ asked for forgiveness upon those who nailed him to the cross.

Let us also share Your grace and mercy with all who do not know You (including those who might consider us their enemies) so they will come to faith and enjoy the rest of eternity restored with You in heaven. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

Salvation came to all people by God’s grace and mercy; we receive and hold on to these truths by faith in our Savior, Jesus. Faith comes to all who believe through the Holy Spirit by God’s Word and sacraments. It is faith alone that restores all believers to God.