Time for Grace-May 6, 2024

Time for Grace-May 6, 2024

Colossians 3:1

Therefore, because you were raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Forgive us when we focus only on worldly things and lose sight of heaven. This life is only a short period compared to our eternity. Please change our hearts so we have a new perspective on what is essential; guide us by faith to look for heavenly treasures.

Our challenge is that our sinful self wants to focus on the here and now to make ourselves comfortable in this life. It might even throw us the what-if doubts to grab our attention from seeking the things above: “What if this or that happens, and you are unprepared?” “What if God doesn’t hear you?” Or “What if, what if, what if?” All these doubts are our sinful nature not trusting you.

You have not only created us but also sustained us in this life and prepared us for heaven. You hear all of our requests and know them before we ask. Most importantly, you established Your plan of salvation to restore us to You; in it, you demonstrated Your love for us by allowing Your Son to suffer in our place on the cross. So that all who believe in him have eternal life in heaven with you. Our sinful selves died, and our new selves rose with Christ. Eternal life comes to all who believe in Jesus.

Seeking the heavenly things is an upward spiral; as you strengthen our faith, we desire to look for those heavenly things, and the more we look for those divine things, the more you strengthen our faith. Let this result in us sharing the good news of our forgiveness with those who do not know you, and let your gospel work in their hearts so they will trust in Jesus and the gift of salvation you have given them and seek the heavenly things. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

Our lives are but a flash, and as you get older, you realize how quickly they have gone by, but what comes after this life never ends. So, where is your focus? Know and trust that Jesus has forgiven all your sins, so by faith in Him, heaven is your eternal home.