Time for Grace-May 8, 2024

Time for Grace-May 8, 2024

Romans 1:16-17

I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes—to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed by faith, for faith, just as it is written, “The righteous will live by faith.”

Dear Heavenly Father,

It makes no sense that we would be ashamed of the gospel because it brings salvation and eternal life to all who believe. However, as the world comes against us to criticize our beliefs, our reaction can be to hide. We might even become like Peter when he denied Jesus. However, through the gospel, our faith is strengthened.

Please send your Holy Spirit to work in our hearts, forgiving us when we want to hide from the world’s criticisms and strengthen our faith so we can say with Paul I am not ashamed of the gospel.

The gospel tells us how Jesus rescued us from all our sins. Our sins condemned us and put a wedge between us and you, pushing us away. As Jesus lived the perfect life, suffered our punishment on the cross, and died to defeat death, salvation comes to all who believe. Salvation is for all people; it came through the Jews, as Jesus was born in Abraham’s line and has been spread to all through faith in Him.

Let our response to your love and salvation be this: we are not ashamed of the gospel and share it with those we contact today. Let that gospel message spark faith in those we share it with so they, too, will trust in Jesus as their Savior and have salvation and eternal life. Amen.

 Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

Know this: just as Jesus forgave Peter when Peter disowned Him, the gospel’s author, Jesus has already forgiven you. God sent his Son not to condemn the world but to forgive us all and pay the price for our every sin. Jesus died on the cross, so salvation is yours through faith in Jesus.