2 Timothy 4:18
The Lord will rescue me from every evil work and will bring me safely into his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father,
When the world attacks us for being Christians and comes against us for what we believe, let us use Paul’s words to Timothy as a reminder. Paul had been jailed, beaten, ship-wrecked, stoned, left for dead, and accosted throughout his ministry because he held firm in his faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection. He was confident that you would rescue him from every evil.
Even in his martyrdom, you were with him, and he trusted that no matter the situation, you would always be with him, especially at his end. Because, by faith, he clung to Jesus.
Jesus suffered and died for all his and our sins, and through baptism, our sinful selves were drowned so that a new person should arise. Christ has covered us in his perfection and redeemed our sins to restore us to you. So Paul wrote with confidence that in his death, none of the world’s evil would ever affect him; he knew you would bring him to your heavenly kingdom to live with you forever.
So also, when the world attacks us with every evil work, we can be confident, like Paul, that you will bring us to our heavenly home because Jesus has forgiven all our sins. So, should the world go as far as taking our lives, faith gives us the confidence of our heavenly homecoming. We have salvation and eternal life by faith in Jesus’ holy life and innocent death. His resurrection is our receipt that every one of our sins was paid in full.
Please allow us to share this good news with those whose faith is weak or who do not know you so that they will trust your word. Please let them have faith in Jesus so that no evil can take their faith from them, and they believe that you will safely bring them to heaven. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
To God be the glory for all the great things he does, especially when the Holy Spirit sparks faith to believe in Jesus’ death and resurrection and that all who believe will know they, too, have eternal life in Him.