Time for Grace-June 3, 2024

Time for Grace-June 3, 2024

Matthew 28:20

[Jesus said] “And surely I am with you always until the end of the age.”

Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank you for this assurance that we are never alone until the end of the age. Often, we can feel all alone in this world, especially when it feels like people are intentionally trying to hurt us. Or, as the world’s troubles—sickness, disease, death, or the world’s corrupt ways—come our way, it might seem like we are enduring those challenges all by ourselves. Sometimes, we feel like we are drowning in our sorrows and pain. Yet we are not alone.

However, you know what it is like to be all alone. When you took our sins into yourself, your disciples left you, and your Father turned his back on you when you, who was sinless, became sin for us. Your mother, the other ladies, and John were at the foot of the cross, but you suffered our punishment by yourself so that you could overcome sin for us. You allowed yourself to be all alone for us because of your love for each of us.

Now, we are never alone; you are always with us, no matter where we are or what circumstances we might be experiencing. For all who trust in you, we have the confidence of knowing you are with us in life and at our death. You described how the angels carried Lazarus to heaven when he died.

Give us the courage to share this good news of you always being with us to those who do not know you. Please work the peace of forgiveness in their hearts and assure them that you are with them and they are never alone. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

Jesus wants you to know how much he loves you. He has forgiven all your sins, and he tells us, along with the disciples, that he will never leave us no matter how bad the situation might seem.