Time for Grace-July 6, 2024

Time for Grace-July 6, 2024

John 5:39

You search the Scriptures because you think you have eternal life in them. They testify about me!

Dear Lord Jesus,

Give us the desire also to search the Scriptures so that we may find the truth about you. As you told those around you that day, the Bible testifies about you. The Old Testament was written as a promise for early believers that a Savior would one day come into the world.

Through the Old Testament writers, early believers were pointed to you. The Bible recorded the many times they rejected your word; they could not keep the law on their own, and a death was to occur for every sin. So many animals were sacrificed, and each sacrifice pointed to you as the ultimate sacrifice that would take away all their sins.

The New Testament testifies to the fulfillment of the Old Testament’s promises. You kept the law perfectly and credited us with your flawlessness, then innocently went to the cross to suffer for all our sins. You took into yourself our sins and suffered in our place so that we have eternal life through your suffering and death. Your resurrection proves that you atoned for every sin in our place, and your heavenly Father accepted the payment for all sins. All these gifts of eternal life and salvation come to us by faith in you.

All Scripture testifies about you. While it shows people’s perverseness, it also demonstrates our need for a Savior and how you filled that void. Allow us to share this good news with others who do not know you so that they, too, will not only know you but believe in you and have eternal life. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

The Bible is more than just a good book with moral writings. It illuminates the necessity of a Savior for all our sins and records how Jesus filled that need. By believing in him, you have the forgiveness of sins, salvation, and eternal life.