Pastor Roger Emmons

Pastor Roger Emmons

Retired Infantry First Sergeant in the U. S. Army

Pastor Roger Emmons currently serves Grace; he came as a vicar from Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary, Mankato, MN.  He is originally from Winona, Minnesota and his wife Tammi (Allison) Emmons is originally from Peoria, Illinois.
They enjoy traveling to visit their five children Cassandra Emmons (Redmond, OR), Stephanie Simmons (Flora, Illinois), Cale Emmons (Winona, Minnesota), Taylor Emmons (Vicenza, Italy, Army Base), Destini Ott (Tucson, Arizona), and their nine grandchildren. Pastor Emmons’ parents are Roger Sr. and Kay Emmons, who reside in Winona.
He is a graduate of Onalaska Luther High School. In 1993 he completed his Associate of Arts from Winona State University; then, in 2004, he graduated from Troy State University Troy, Alabama, with a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Human Resource Management.
Upon retirement from the Army, Pastor Emmons began his preparation for the seminary by completing his Seminary Certificate from Martin Luther College New Ulm, Minnesota, graduating in May 2017. Pastor Emmons then completed his Master’s of Divinity in May 2021 from Bethany Theological Lutheran Seminary and will be ordained in June of 2021.
This ministry is his second career. Pastor Emmons retired as an infantry First Sergeant for the United States Army. His military service was a member so the Minnesota National Guard from November 1984 to July 1993 and on active duty from July 1993 until he retired in February 2014 in Fort Polk, Louisiana.

Pastor Emmons feels blessed to be a part of this wonderful group of Christians and looks forward to serving Grace and the people of Redmond and surrounding communities.