Sermons on Romans
Reformation Sunday – October 27, 2024
Sermon Text: Romans 3: 19 – 28 Sermon Theme: Righteousness Comes by Faith Alone
Lent Five-March 26, 2023
Sermon Text: Romans 8: 11 – 19 Sermon Theme: Adoption Made Glorious
Lent One-February26, 2023
Sermon Text: Romans 5: 12 – 19 Sermon Theme: Stained by the First Adam-Washed by the Second Adam
Trinity Sunday-June 12, 2022
Sermon Theme: Understanding True Peace Sermon Text: Romans 5: 1 – 5
Fifth Sunday of Lent-April 3, 2022
Sermon Theme: Grafted in through Grace; Kept through Faith Sermon Text: Romans 11: 11 – 21 This video is not available due to technical difficulties!