Time for Grace-August 14, 2024

Time for Grace-August 14, 2024

Hebrews 13:8

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Dear Lord Jesus,

We live in changing times with lots of chaos around us. Events cause the world to change and churn constantly, and with all that is occurring worldwide, we often have no idea what tomorrow will bring.

However, you are changeless, bringing consistency and calm to our lives. The world’s chaos is a result of sin. Yet, you are the sinless Son of God, and you bring calm and peace into the world and our lives. While we fail at loving you and others perfectly, you came to earth and lived your life perfectly and credited us with your perfection, and that never changes. You also went to the cross, taking the world’s sins into yourself, and that does not change either. So, by faith alone in you, the Holy Spirit delivers these gifts of salvation and eternal life to us. By faith, we have your peace of forgiveness, which is also changeless.

We thank You for never changing but consistently providing us with eternal life, which always and only comes by faith alone in You. So, in this turbulent, ever-changing world, please give us opportunities to share the good news of forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life with those who do not know you. We pray that your Holy Spirit will begin faith in them to believe and trust in you. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

Jesus remains unchanging, and forgiveness comes to you not by anything we do but because Jesus suffered and died on the cross for your and all the world’s sins.