Time for Grace – October 9, 2024

Time for Grace – October 9, 2024

Isaiah 44:24-25

This is what the Lord, your Redeemer, the Lord who formed you from the womb, says. I am the Lord, the one who does all things, who stretched out the heavens by myself, who hammered out the earth. (Who was with me then?) I frustrate the signs of the deceivers and make fools of the fortune tellers. I overturn the wisdom of the wise and turn their knowledge into foolishness.

Dear Heavenly Father,

You have such an intimacy with us. Not only did You form us—even those who reject and hate you—in the womb, but You also restored us by redeeming us for Jesus’ sake. This is for everyone, but it comes to each by faith in Jesus.

People like to think we are in control, but not one person was present when you created the universe. You did not even get the assistance of angels but formed them as well. It is incredible to hear those who like to be fortune tellers claiming areas are so dry it will take hundreds of years of moisture to restore them; then you send a 100-year storm that overfills a reservoir in days or hours. You demonstrate they are fools without understanding, especially those who want to deceive and speak against you and your word. They claim someone was made up and didn’t exist, only a fable, yet you use a simple buried coin to contradict their foolishness—discrediting them.

Lord, your love is true; you formed and redeemed us through Jesus’ holy life and innocent death on the cross. Through Jesus’ redemptive work, you restored us to You so that by faith in Christ, we have eternal life and salvation. It is mind-boggling why anyone would not want this after a lifetime of living in this sin-filled world.

We pray for all those in the storm’s path today; give them strength that only comes through you. May those who do not know you realize your love as you direct today’s storms in the only ways you can. While you protect the many, let them recognize your love and mercy so they will come to you in faith through Jesus. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

The world may reject and speak against God, but its wisdom is foolish, and others who refuse God believe it. Man’s logic doesn’t take away from God’s will; he loves all he formed and wants them to know his love for them. His mercy is for all but delivered only through faith in Jesus.