John 8:31-32
So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you remain in my word, you are really my disciples. You will also know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
Dear Lord Jesus,
Please do whatever it takes to keep us always in your word and keep us as your believers. As we live in this world, temptations come at us from all around; we often fall into those temptations and act loveless towards you and others. We worry about what the world thinks of us, so we try to adjust ourselves to appease them in the name of wanting to be liked, saying and doing what the world wants to hear, and not offending them with the truth. Lord, forgive us.
However, being liked by the world should not matter; instead, what you desire should be what is paramount for us. Your desire is for everyone to know and trust you, but you never force anyone to believe in you. Your word tells us how you have taken our disobedience and given us your obedience in its place. You went to the cross and suffered the punishment for our sins, and in place of our punishment, we are given the promise of salvation. The truth is this: all who reject you will face punishment for their sins. At the same time, those who trust in you will have eternal life through faith in you. We are set free from the bondage of our sins.
Lord, please keep us in the truth and allow us to share the good news of salvation with those who do not know or trust you. Let us share the truth with them, giving them a change of heart so they will believe in you. Let them know and trust the forgiveness of sins through you. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
The truth is that God loves all people and wants all people to believe in him, but he does not force anyone to be his believer. For those who believe, he gives them the sure hope of salvation and eternal life in heaven.