Isaiah 35:3-4
Strengthen the weak hands, and make the shaky knees steady. Tell those who have a fearful heart: Be strong. Do not be afraid. Look! Your God will come with a vengeance. With God’s own retribution, he will come and save you.
Dear Heavenly Father,
An honest assessment of ourselves should leave us with weak hands and shaky knees. Our consciences tell us that we are all accountable for everything we do and say, no matter who we are; wealth, status, and gender do not make a difference. Moreover, your word also tells us that even our thoughts condemn us. Whether a person does or does not believe in you does not change the accountability we all will have, and each of us should be terrified of having to spend the remainder of eternity condemned and separated from you. So we confess our sins to you.
Please strengthen our weak hands and steady our knees through the Savior you sent us; Jesus has forgiven us. While your word condemns us for our sins, it also points us back to you. You tell us we have nothing to fear as we realize the severity of our sins; instead, ask for your forgiveness. Your Son, our Savior, took all our sins–which should bring your punishment on us—into himself on the cross. While you will come with a vengeance on all who reject you, for those who trust in you, you forgive them their sins for Jesus’ sake. Through forgiveness, we are restored to you; you bring us salvation and eternal life.
Let us share your words with those around us: “Do not be afraid. Look! … he will come and save you.” Let us share with others that they are saved by faith alone in Jesus. We also pray that you let your word create a new heart in them so they will believe and be saved. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
God not only forgives you, but he also creates faith and strengthens it so you have nothing to fear. Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding because he loves you and desires to save you.