Time for Grace – December 17, 2024

Time for Grace – December 17, 2024

Micah 5:2

But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, from you will go out the one who will be the ruler for me in Israel. His goings forth are from the beginning, from the days of eternity.

Dear Heavenly Father,

You promised in your Word to send out a ruler for Israel who would come from Bethlehem (which, in Hebrew, means house of bread.) He would be more than any earthly king; his rule was from eternity to eternity—no beginning or end. We hear much about where that promised One would come from, that he would be of David’s hometown, that house of bread. He would also be eternal, which meant he would have to be God in the flesh. We might ask Mary’s question: How could this be?

You sent Jesus, your eternal Son, who was with you from all eternity, creating all the universe, to be Emmanuel—God with us. Jesus set aside his divine attributes as God to be our servant. So that he could be the living bread for us to provide all that our souls need to survive and thrive. As our King, he gives justice and mercy for all. For those who trust in him, he assures us his death and resurrection have covered all our sins. While those who reject him (and you) will have to face the punishment for their sins—the condemnation in hell that all our sins deserve.

Once again, you use something small to make something tremendous occur. You brought salvation to the world from that little town of Bethlehem, from a shepherd’s (David’s) lineage. Then, you used the census of the Roman government to place those peasants, Mary and Joseph, in Bethlehem that blessed night. Moreover, Jesus willingly came into this world to bring peace—the peace of forgiveness; since he was the perfect lamb slain on the cross to take away the world’s sins.

Let us, who are small, share this great news of our Savior with those around us, and let those who hear these words be fed with the bread of life that brings eternal life to all. Send your Holy Spirit to begin or strengthen faith in all who hear about their Savior, the Lamb of God, who has removed our sins forever. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

Throughout history, God used what many deem insignificant to make monumental changes. Forgiveness of all your sins and salvation came via Bethlehem and is yours by faith in Jesus, so believers be restored to God to live with him forever in heaven—that is astounding.