Time for Grace – January 21, 2025

Time for Grace – January 21, 2025

Romans 8:28

We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Dear Heavenly Father,

It is no secret that we often face many challenges and wonder how anything good can come from our loss or suffering. When we become so enamored by our problems, we can lose focus on your love and mercy. We live in a sinful world that accosts and tempts us regularly, intending to derail our faith and take away our eternal hope in heaven. While there is nothing that can take us from your hand, the devil knows if he attacks us enough, we can grow weary and reject you; hence, the constant attacks and bombardments.

For this reason, Jesus gave us the parable of the ten virgins to warn us to stay in your word so we do not forfeit our salvation. Because even though Jesus died for all our sins, none of us is above rejecting your love and mercy as Saul and Judas had done—one your anointed king and the other Jesus’ disciple.

As we stay in your word and remain faithful, you have already promised to work all things together for the good of those who love you. You sent your Son to suffer our punishment upon the cross, to destroy death, and to defeat the Devil. Because of Jesus’ victory, all our enemies are powerless against us.

The middle of the battle is never pleasant, but holding on to your promise, we know you are with us and will sustain us. You keep your faithful believers in your grace and mercy, promising to work everything out for our good—for our salvation and eternal benefit.

Thank you for always watching out for us and caring for us even when we feel alone. Let us share the hope we have that comes from faith in Jesus, sharing the forgiveness he won for us and the great victory he has accomplished to bring eternal life to all who believe. Let us share this good news with those around us who do not know or trust you so that they, too, will have the peace of forgiveness and salvation. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

It’s hard to see how anything productive can happen when we are in the middle of a storm. However, we have God’s promise to not only bring us through those challenges but also to work them out for our good.