Isaiah 9:2
The people walking in darkness have seen a great light. For those living in the land of the shadow of death, the light has dawned.
Dear Heavenly Father,
As the sun rises, its light brings warmth and light to all it shines on; it brings life and the hope of a new day, and after some cloudy, stormy days, it seems even more spectacular when it rises.
Similarly, this world is covered not only in storm clouds but also in the darkness of sin. When Adam and Eve fell into sin, sin’s darkness covered all people; the world remains in darkness because not one of us is innocent. We all have sinned and fallen short of Your glory. Without You, we walk in the shadow of permanent, eternal death. We cannot change who we are to make light; we cannot be better today than we were yesterday so that the light will come.
The only way to overcome sin’s darkness was to bring in an outside light source. You sent Your Son to overcome sin’s darkness; He sheds His light upon all who believe in Him. We see how destructive our sins are; without your help, they pull us to eternal death. We need a Savior. Jesus came here to suffer the cross and forgive all our sins; it is in His forgiveness that our sins are removed and that by believing in Him, we are restored to You and have eternal life.
He is the light that has overcome this world’s darkness; He brings the warmth of Your love and shines on all who believe. By believing in Him, we are saved and have eternal life. Please forgive our sins for Jesus’ sake and strengthen our faith today as we walk in the light of Your grace and mercy.
Let us share that light with those who do not know You and others who reject You. We pray that Your light will overcome their sins; please start faith in them so they will receive eternal life. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
Light always overpowers darkness, and Jesus has overcome all your sins. This gift is for you to be received by faith in Him.