John 6:66-69
After this, many of his disciples turned back and were not walking with him anymore. So Jesus asked the Twelve, “You do not want to leave too, do you?” Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom will we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.”
Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank you for this example of how to engage with those who walk away from your word. Faith in you is voluntary; no one is coerced to believe. Please forgive us when we lose focus on what truly matters. We can become so caught up in having the right programs to attract people to our churches and taking pride in our accomplishments that we lose sight of sharing your word—salvation, love, and mercy—so that souls can be in heaven.
Receiving the truth can be difficult sometimes, especially when we become ensnared in sin. The crowds abandoned you because your teachings were hard for them to grasp, contradicting their reasoning, yet you didn’t pursue them or compel them to stay. So when someone leaves our church because we don’t have the right music, the suitable program, or the new pastor is just different from the old one, we follow your example and allow them to go when they use their rationalization to leave.
You still had the twelve with you who understood what was vital, and you continued to teach them. You came to this world to live a holy and perfect life for everyone; then you went to the cross for them. We receive your grace upon grace so that all who believe in you will have everlasting life. We pray that we would recognize where your word is taught in its truth and purity; there we will say with the disciples, “Lord, to whom will we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.”
Forgive our sins when we doubt your providence in sustaining our faith. Please provide faithful pastors and teachers who consistently direct us to your love, mercy, and the forgiveness you’ve won for us. As a result of our love for you, let us share the good news of your love and forgiveness with others. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
What is a faithful church? It’s not focused on what you are doing but on Jesus and his salvation for you: hearing a message about his suffering and death, how he paid the penalty for all your sins, and how he has won the victory for your eternal life. That’s a church you never leave.