Psalm 33:20-22
Our souls wait for the Lord. He is our help and our shield. Yes, in him, our heart rejoices because we trust in his holy name. May your mercy, O Lord, be on us, even as we wait confidently for you.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Forgive us when we are impatient, do not want to wait, or want help. Too often, we sound like little children claiming we can do everything ourselves. You created all people to be with you forever in heaven, but sin came into the world, and along with sin came aging, sickness, disease, and death. So, you established your salvational plan for all people, which was delivered to us by faith in Jesus.
Everyone has sinned and fallen short of your glory. You sent your Son, Jesus, to forgive us according to his holy life and innocent death on the cross. This gift of forgiveness brings us eternal life and salvation; it is received by faith alone. All who believe in Jesus receive your grace, love, and mercy.
We live patiently, waiting for our turn to be home with you in heaven. As we live, challenges will come our way, but we turn to you because you assist us in all we go through and shield us by limiting the trials that come our way. Strengthen our faith so we will confidently trust in you when our patience runs thin. Please grant us your mercy and peace.
As we wait patiently, let our reaction to troubles serve as a witness to those who do not know you; through your word, grow and strengthen faith in them so they will confidently wait their turn to enter heaven. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
At times, patience can be difficult. However, may God give you the strength to still yourself and then give thanks to him for overcoming all your sins so that you can have eternal life by faith in Jesus.