Psalm 139:1-3
Lord, you have investigated me, and you know. You know when I sit down and when I get up. You understand my thoughts from far off. You keep track of when I travel and when I stay, and you are familiar with all my ways.
Dear Heavenly Father,
This passage can be both comforting and yet terrifying. There is nothing you do not know about us; you know when we are on the move and when we stop better than any GPS tracker. Everything we do is entirely revealed to you, including all our thoughts, words, and actions; nothing is a secret to you. No single sin is done in secret, you know, our every thought, which is dreadful because every sin deserves your eternal condemnation.
While this is dreadful, there is also complete relief in this because we cannot hide our sins from you; no matter how embarrassing, shameful, or guilt-filled they might be, you already know our sins. For this reason, your Son came willingly to this earth to take all those sins of rage, judgment, and pride. Jesus humbled himself to be like us and take our every sin into himself on the cross. Our sins were nailed to the cross with him.
Let us boldly confess all our sins to you so that we can be assured of Jesus’ forgiveness. Your gift of forgiveness is ours through faith in your Son and brought to us through your Holy Spirit, who has equipped us with faith in Christ. And that faith comes to us through your Word and sacraments.
Grant us opportunities to share with others your intimate knowledge of them, as well as the forgiveness Jesus has won for them and the gift of forgiveness that is awaiting them through faith in Christ. Please give them the peace of forgiveness, the joy of heaven, and the confident hope of salvation that comes to all through faith alone in Jesus. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
Nothing you do, think, or say escapes God, and nothing you have done, thought, or said that Jesus’ forgiveness has not been covered with his blood. Jesus’ forgiveness is yours by faith in him.