Time for Grace-September 12, 2024

Time for Grace-September 12, 2024

Psalm 90:1-2

Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. Before the mountains were born, before you gave birth to the earth and the world, from eternity to eternity you are God.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We have been placed into this world during a specific period and live in a particular place; every person is equal yet diverse. Sin affects us all in that we get frustrated with the places we reside. We are all equal, and we all have the opportunities to hear about your love and mercy, but we are diverse in that many reject, while some believe in your love and forgiveness. All worldly challenges boil down to sin. We must remember that Earth is not the final stop on our journey.

Instead, you created us to live with you for eternity, and you knew every believer from before you created the universe. Each person comes to be with you by faith alone in Christ; for Old Testament believers, it was the promise of a Savior who would come. For New Testament believers, faith is knowing and trusting the fulfillment of those promises; no one is forced to believe. But you continue to encourage those who do not trust in you to believe still.

Our sins divide us from you, so your Son came into the world to redeem us all from sin’s bondage. Jesus took every sin into himself on the cross; there, he suffered in our place, reuniting all who believe in him to you. Faith in Christ will bring us to our eternal home in heaven.

As believers, we have been given the job of sharing our hope of heaven with those who do not yet believe so that they, too, will trust in Jesus; it is by your Word and sacraments that faith is instilled in people’s hearts to trust in Jesus as our Savior. We ask that you provide us with openings to share your Word and our hope with those who do not know or trust in you; please change their hearts. Amen.         

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

Earth is not your final resting place nor the end, but it determines where you will reside for eternity.  Hear this: God loves you, Jesus has forgiven you by believing in Christ’s salvational work, heaven’s doors are open for all who believe, and heaven is your home.