Proverbs 19:20-21
Listen to advice and accept discipline, so that you will be wise in the future. There are many plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that will prevail.
Dear Heavenly Father,
It is often hard to listen to advice and receive discipline because we like to think we have it all together. We look in the mirror with pride and imagine ourselves as being deserving. Forgive us when our pride gets in the way; humble us to listen, receive advice, and be wise in the future.
Our pride enjoys chasing after whatever our flesh desires, often to our detriment. We can become so wrapped up in our sins that we do not even realize how we harm others or ourselves. So, to receive sage advice from another, not as a judgment but out of care and concern for our souls, is truly a blessing. We might have a lot of plans, but that does not always mean they are good plans, so to hear from another and be corrected when needed is good, and we can be wise for the future.
We can be confident in your plans and good purpose for us—that is our salvation. You sent your Son to suffer in our place to forgive us all our sins, so when our pride gets in the way and others correct us, we know we have forgiveness for Jesus’ sake. Strengthen our faith to receive this correction and advice in humility and understanding.
Let our resolve be to share what we have learned with others who struggle with their pride and sins. Grant us patience to care for them with the same love you have for us. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
It’s never easy to take correction and instruction from someone else, but when your salvation and eternal life are on the line, that might be a good time to hear and listen about the forgiveness Jesus won for you. Faith in Jesus is the only way to heaven.