Time for Grace – September 19, 2024

Time for Grace – September 19, 2024

Psalm 30:4-5

Make music to the Lord, you his favored ones, and give thanks when you remember his holiness, for we spend a moment under his anger, but we enjoy a lifetime in his favor. In the evening, weeping comes to stay through the night, but in the morning, there is rejoicing!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Let us sing and make music to rejoice in the peace You have brought us. When our first parents fell into sin, each person was condemned to suffer an eternity because of their sins, and what we deserve is being permanently separated from You. However, You did not keep us in that horrific state.

Instead, You sent Your Son to take all our punishment into Himself, and He suffered all the punishment for our sins; this was Your salvational plan to restore the world to You. Nothing in us makes us favored except that we trust and believe in Jesus. Faith alone is how we receive Your salvational gift.

When we realize what our sins deserve, and by knowing our sins, we come to You for rescue. Through Jesus, all our sins have been removed, and we are restored to perfect peace with You. All our sins that separate us are removed, and we are reunited with You.

It is like nighttime when we are under sin’s condemnation, but when we know our sins are removed, it is like the dawning of a new day. Our sins are removed for Jesus’ sake, and we have nothing to fear. The shame and guilt of sin are gone, and our iniquities are removed. We rejoice in the peace you have brought us. Please shine on us with Your love, grace, and mercy.

Also, let our songs of joy be heard by those who do not know you; let Your Word change them so they will know and trust in Jesus as their Savior and have eternal life. Give us opportunities to share Your Word with others while strengthening our faith in You. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

Know God’s love for you and sing for joy because of it. You were lost and condemned for your sins; Jesus suffered the punishment for them all so that by believing in Him, you have everlasting life, salvation, and peace.