Psalm 32:10-11
Many are the sorrows of the wicked, but mercy will surround those who trust in the Lord. Rejoice in the Lord and celebrate, all you righteous, and shout joyfully, all you upright in heart.
Dear Heavenly Father,
The wicked around us seem to have no concerns as if everything seems to go their way. But they, too, have many troubles, and actually, they have many more. Because they do not trust in you, their conscience still plagues them with guilt and shame, even though it dulls over time.
Human nature tries to be better today than yesterday, but that does not make up for our actions. Another option is trying to compare ourselves to others; at least I am better than them, but that does not overcome a less-than-perfect life. For all people, on our own, we are hopeless; nothing we can do or accomplish will undo all the iniquities and sins we have committed.
However, Jesus has already undone all our sins with his perfect life and innocent death on the cross. For everyone who trusts in Jesus and his work, you surround them in your mercy, not giving them what they deserve—condemnation—but giving them what they don’t deserve—salvation and eternal life. For all of us who believe and trust in Jesus, we rejoice in the love you have given to us. Through Jesus’ life and death, we are made right with you again, and we thank you for your grace.
Let our thanks result in us sharing your goodness and mercy with those who do not know you. Please let them hear of your love and compassion so they, too, will have faith that Jesus has forgiven all their sins. Please remove their guilt and shame so they will trust in you and rejoice because, with faith in you, they are surrounded by your mercy. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
When you realize that your condition is being stuck in sins, with no way out on your own, God’s love and mercy are all the more fantastic, knowing Jesus has removed your every sin—not one is left. By faith in Jesus, you have eternal life and salvation because, in love, he died in your place.