Time for Grace – October 15, 2024

Time for Grace – October 15, 2024

Psalm 103:8

The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in mercy.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your compassion for us. We regularly struggle with our sins. Our minds get caught up in our thoughts, and the next thing we know, we spontaneously change those thoughts into words and actions. Those sinful thoughts do not condone what we do, but they explain why we do it. Hearing about your attributes—compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy—is a good reminder.

You are compassionate towards us all; you tell us in your word that you would have all people come to know you, trust in you, and have eternal life. So, in your grace, to repair our sins’ damage, you sent your Son to take on all our sins so that whoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life.

Throughout the Old Testament, you demonstrated your slowness to anger. When your chosen people sinned against you, you would allow foreign armies to invade and take them captive; then, when they realized their sin and repented, you forgave and restored them. Those events also show your mercy, not giving them what they deserve but restoring them to you.

May these words from the Psalms help us carefully consider and repent of all our sins as we look to you for forgiveness. Let us not doubt your love and mercy, knowing and trusting that Jesus has already paid the price for all our sins with his holy life and innocent death on the cross. Bring to us the hope of everlasting life that comes to us because of your mercy.

Let us share our hope with others who do not know you yet. Allow us to share your attributes—your compassion, grace, slowness to anger, and mercy—with them. Give them a saving faith that knows you love them, and let them trust Jesus has removed all their guilt and shame for everything they have ever done. Please grant to them and us your peace. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

The world may see God as impatient and angry, but that is far from the truth because God’s will is for all people, including you, to be with him in heaven. He has done everything to give you eternal life, which is received by faith in Jesus. God loves you!