Time for Grace – October 18, 2024

Time for Grace – October 18, 2024

Psalm 9:9-10

The Lord will be a refuge for those who have been crushed, a refuge for times of trouble. Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Each day brings us new challenges from the world, which desires to root out everything good and noble. We continue to watch clashes on the news of power struggles and controversies between world leaders over who’s in charge. We know that you and all who trust in you threaten the world because its power is challenged. The world declares what is evil as a progressively good thing and calls what is good an outdated evilness against society.

So, we run to you for refuge because the world is against us, and we cannot change the world on our own. The sin that affects us also infects the world. However, those who trust in you receive their refuge from you. You sent your Son to overcome all our sins, which Jesus did on the cross, so we are no longer burdened by the guilt and shame of our sins; Jesus has rendered the devil and world powerless against us because, by faith, we belong to you. The world may rattle their swords, threatening us, but we know you limit everything they do, so we trust in you for all we need. Jesus has already won; we have nothing to fear because you wrap us in your love, never forsaking us who believe and trust in you.

While we cannot completely change the world, we can change it one soul at a time. Allow us opportunities to make a difference to our neighbors. Give us the courage to share your love with them so they know and trust you. Grant them refuge from all their sins and troubles; let them confidently know and trust your love and mercy. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

When it seems like the world is attacking you, know that you have a refuge and comfort place to rest in the Lord. He has already removed all your sins and the guilt and shame accompanying them. Run to Jesus for your rest.