Time for Grace – October 23, 2024

Time for Grace – October 23, 2024

Isaiah 30:16

But the Lord is eager to be gracious to you. He waits on high to have mercy on you, for the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all those who long for him.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We hear not only how gracious you are to us but also that you are eagerly waiting and wanting to share your blessings with all who trust in you. We are also reminded that you are a God of justice. That means you do not allow sins to go unpunished, and they are punished once. Our sins are deserving of eternal death, and your Son paid that eternal price for them when he went to the cross in our place. The sins of all people are forgiven, and the gift of eternal life is delivered to us by faith in Christ.

Your will is for everyone to come to know you, trust in you, and be saved. What a shame it is when people reject the gifts you have provided for them and will spend the rest of eternity condemned because they rejected you and your love. However, when one repents and turns from their sins, the joy there must be in heaven when they turn to receive forgiveness. Also, this is why you are eager to be gracious to us.

We ask that you allow us to share your eagerness to be gracious and the good news of your salvational plan with those around us who do not know you. We pray that your word will change their hearts so they will wait for you and be blessed. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

God is not angry; he desires to bless you, be gracious to you, and look on you with favor. That’s how he told Moses and Aaron to mark his people. Faith in His Son Jesus is the open hand that grabs hold of these gifts; faith is the only way they are received.