Romans 15:4-6
Indeed, whatever was written in the past was written for our instruction, so that, through patient endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures, we would have hope. And may God, the source of patient endurance and encouragement, grant that you agree with one another in accordance with Christ Jesus, so that with one mind, in one voice, you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Things can seem out of control and hopeless in this world. While good might come our way, trials, challenges, and problems follow. As Paul wrote, Your word was given to us for patient endurance and encouragement, which provides us with hope. Many of the challenges we face are caused by our sinfulness—the things we think, say, and do—and guilt and shame linger in our minds after we have sinned.
But in your word, we hear the forgiveness won for us by your Son. Jesus suffered for our sins, being beaten and abused, and then hung on the cross. Then, he endured the ultimate suffering when he had all our sins in himself, and you forsook him because he was filled with our sins. But it was on the cross where our debt of sin was paid in full as Jesus said, “It is finished.” With our debt of sin paid in full, we can be confident that we will rise because Jesus rose from the dead.
Thank you for your plan of salvation, which restores us to you and removes our sins forever. Strengthen our faith through your word so that we will continue with patient endurance until the end of our lives. Let all believers live together in unity to encourage one another through your word. Let us share the promise of salvation with those who do not know about you so they will be encouraged and endure to the end. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
God’s word is given to us so that we may understand his plan of salvation and how we are restored to him through the forgiveness of our sins, which Jesus won for us through his suffering and death on the cross.