Time for Grace – November 27, 2024

Time for Grace – November 27, 2024

Psalm 100:5

For the Lord is good. His mercy endures forever. His faithfulness continues through all generations.

Dear Heavenly Father,

When we think of what good is, we have a sin-corrupted view. We don’t know what “goodness” feels like or what it is. We might have a “good” evening with our family, playing a game, watching a movie, or doing something enjoyable. While it might feel “good” during that moment, the next thing you know, smoke alarms are going off from burnt popcorn, or someone makes an offensive comment, and all that was “good” disappears in a flash. We can only have what is truly good, being united with You.

This world was corrupted by sin when our first parents doubted your goodness and failed to love and trust You. However, You did not eliminate them; instead, You gave them a promise that Your Son would come and defeat death and destroy the Devil.

Being good means You are just. You punished Your Son on the cross for all people’s sins so that whoever believes in Jesus will have everlasting life; Jesus stepped in our place, taking our punishment. It was not only for first-century Christians but for all times. In the letter to the Romans (3:25), Paul wrote, “God did this to demonstrate his justice, since, in his divine restraint, he had left the sins that were committed earlier unpunished.” All sins of this world, from Adam and Eve until the last person, were forgiven by Christ. While this gift is intended for all, it is received only through faith, for Your faithful people who do not reject Your gift but believe in Jesus.

Your faithfulness will continue forever. Please forgive us for Jesus’ sake according to Your divine love and mercy; let us trust in Your grace and goodness. Let our reaction to what You have done for us be to share Your love and forgiveness with those who do not know or trust You. We pray that Your Spirit would change their hearts to believe so that they, too, will have eternal life with You, our Lord and King. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

Knowing God’s goodness now in this life is only a preview of his perfect goodness for you in heaven. Trust in Jesus, who has forgiven all your sins so that you have eternal life by faith alone.