Psalm 19:14
May the speech from my mouth and the thoughts in my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer.
Dear Heavenly Father,
We pray that you will give us godly words and thoughts today. We regularly battle our sinful nature that chases after whatever might seem pleasing to our pride. We somehow justify ourselves when we get to zing a quick retort at someone who just attacked us. Sometimes, we need to correct someone with our words, but this should be done in love. Whenever our reactions—words and thoughts—are anything other than a love reaction, it is from rage, hate, anger, or pride. Lord, forgive us when we react this way and change our hearts to be pleasing in your sight. But, we know that we cannot do this ourselves; we need you. Only you can make that difference in our hearts, and this is a result of what Jesus has done for us. We have been restored to you because he removed all our sins in his death on the cross. Through faith created in our hearts by your Holy Spirit, we have a changed heart that desires godly speech and thoughts; we have peace in us. Jesus is our Rock, our solid foundation, which we build our faith because he paid the price for all our sins.
May our words and thoughts be a testament to the rest of the world that they, too, would want to come to know you. Grant us opportunities to demonstrate our Christian love and minister to others by what we say and do because you first loved us. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
Reflect on what Jesus has done for you; he has redeemed you from all your sins. So through your words and thoughts, reflect what Jesus has done.