Time for Grace-August 27, 2024

Time for Grace-August 27, 2024

Acts 4:11-12

This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you builders, which has become the cornerstone. “There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people by which we must be saved.”

Dear Heavenly Father,

The religious leaders who should have known who Jesus was because of the Old Testament prophecies rejected him; the world continues to reject him and you. They challenge all you wrote in your word, question your love and mercy for them, and devise unsuccessful ways to save themselves. They reject and stumble over Jesus, the cornerstone of saving faith.

So what did those religious leaders and the world today reject? Your love, grace, and mercy. No one can save themselves by their actions; no amount of personal achievement will overcome past or future sins to save oneself. Your requirement for the world is perfection, and none will meet that expectation.

We must look honestly in the mirror at our sins and see our desperate need for a Savior; nothing in us can save us. Jesus lived his life entirely without sinning and then credited us with perfection. Then, as the chosen one—the Christ—he went to the cross to suffer the world’s punishment for sin so that whoever believes in him has everlasting and eternal salvation. Your love is delivered to us by faith in your Son; this is the only way to be saved.

Please keep us from rejecting and stumbling over the Cornerstone of salvation. Open our eyes to look in the mirror and rightly see all our sins so that we will also see the necessity of our Savior, Jesus. He is the only way for us to be saved.

We ask that you allow us to share the good news of your love, mercy, and grace with those who do not yet know you. We pray that you would open their hearts to see their need for a Savior and stop rejecting Jesus; grant them forgiveness of their sins so they have the hope of salvation that only comes through Christ. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

To reject God means rejecting his love and forgiveness for you! These gifts are brought to you by faith in Christ Jesus his Son.