Time for Grace-August 28, 2024

Time for Grace-August 28, 2024

Psalm 118:24

This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for giving us another day of grace in this world. Too often, we take our days for granted and expect another day to occur automatically. Each day is a gift from you; it is the day you have made for us.

The new day can often be overshadowed by struggles, bringing us challenges, disagreements, and problems to endure because we live in a sinful world. While none of these things are from you, you have provided us with the way through sins’ struggles.

Despite all the battles the world brings us, each new day also brings us new opportunities to learn more about Your love and mercy and hear about Your will to deliver us from death to salvation. Your Son became part of creation to take all our sins into himself and defeat the world’s power over sin and death. We thank You for rendering sin, death, and the devil powerless because of Jesus’ victory on the cross.

We pray that You forgive us all our sins so that we are restored, and we pray that You would create a new spirit within us today that desires to love You above all other things and those around us as we love ourselves. Please forgive us when we become prideful and fail to love as we should.

Let this new day also provide us with opportunities to share the good news of your love, grace, and mercy with those who do not know about your blessings for this new day; grant them a new heart in this new day that with a new faith, they will know your salvation and believe in your Son, our Savior. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

Every day is a gift to know your Savior, Jesus, who died for all your sins, so that you have eternal life and salvation through faith in Him.