1 Timothy 6:20-21
Guard what has been entrusted to you, turning away from godless, empty talk and the contradictions of what is falsely called “knowledge.” By professing it, some have veered away from the faith. Grace be with you. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father,
The faith you have given us is such a precious treasure that you have entrusted to all believers. However, too often, we take this gift for granted and try to explain away our faith, where we have to know and understand everything that happens: why you forgive us, why this, and why that. So many get wrapped up in trying to connect the dots to understand your love and mercy that they have turned away from faith. How can you be present everywhere at the same time? How does the trinity work together? Why don’t we see you? If you are a loving God, then why are all these wars and rumors of wars happening? Why do we have sickness? The list can go on and on.
You created this world in perfection, but when our first parents fell into the temptation of the first sin—death and sickness followed. We live in a world filled with sinful people whose pride gets the best of them and turn to war to fulfill their desires. You exist outside all space and time so that you can be everywhere simultaneously, and so being everywhere, we confidently trust you are always with us.
How do we explain all this? Simply, it is your love for us. You restored us after Adam and Eve fell by sending Your Son to suffer in our place for all our sins. Jesus has given us his perfection and has removed our sins, taking them to the cross and suffering in our place. Your love for us restores all who believe in Jesus to your good and perfect will; your grace is for all, but no one is forced to believe. So faith delivers the gift of salvation and eternal life to each believer; may your grace be with us by faith. Let us share your love with those who do not know you; please let your word work in them so they will have faith and believe in Jesus as their Savior. Deliver to them salvation and eternal life for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
We might think, “I can see why God rescues others from hell’s condemnation, but why would he rescue me?” The answer is he loves you; you are his child; he has already sent his Son to suffer in your place so that you will be with him forever. This is yours by faith alone in Jesus.